Early Modern History
The Department of Early Modern History introduces itself
Under the direction of Stefano Saracino, the history of the early modern period is researched and taught at the department in a broad temporal framework, extending from the end of the 15th to the middle of the 19th century, whereby the local and the regional, the European and the non-European are linked together in terms of perspective. The period is particularly fascinating because it points back to the Middle Ages, while at the same time pointing forward to modernity. With a focus on cultural, global and political history, the research area examines the deep structures and persistence of contemporary knowledge and behaviour in the early modern period.

History of the department
The "General History of Modern Times" department can look back on a long and eventful history. Although "General History with special emphasis on Modern History" has been taught in Graz since 1865, it was not until 1919 - and thus late compared to other Austrian universities - that Modern History was established as an independent sub-discipline of history.
A new chapter in the long and eventful history of the department will be opened in 2017 - the "General History of the Modern Era" department will become the "History of the Early Modern Era" department. The department was headed by Gabriele Haug-Moritz until June 2024. Stefano Saracino took over as head in December 2024.
Our main areas of research
The focus of research and teaching is on global history, in particular global migration history, coloniality in the early modern period and the globalisation of Mediterranean (knowledge) cultures. Continuing the tradition of the chair, current teaching programmes and research activities also focus on the early modern political culture of Europe and the Old Empire in particular (political culture of the Imperial Diet).
For more than two decades, the department has organised and administered the certified study focus "Cultural Management - Applied Cultural Studies", which allows students from all disciplines of the Faculty of Humanities to acquire a practice-oriented additional qualification.
Additional offer - WS 2024/25, VU GSM.02008UB by Prof. Dr Stefano Saracino
Skin colour and colonial identities in the early modern period
The VU deals with the question of how skin colour and other characteristics on the surface of the body were perceived in the early modern period and how they were turned into a cultural and colonial discourse. The fundamental process of "maritime expansion", initially by Spain and Portugal, had a major impact on the discussion of skin colour. There is no question that people were discriminated against and devalued on the basis of their skin colour in Europe as well as in non-European dominions, just as it is debatable whether analogies between early modern colonial practices and modern racism and colonialism are always accurate. The seminar will trace the lives of people of African descent in Central European areas (such as the Habsburg Empire) and in Spanish America, reconstruct the religious veneration of "black" saints and the knowledge that naturalists, craftsmen and images of skin colour conveyed. In a second part, the seminar is dedicated to colonial social contexts and questions: How did the coexistence of indigenous people, people of European and African descent and the mixed groups that emerged from them function? How did European elites and colonial actors succeed in asserting hierarchies and typologies based on skin colour? How stable were these and how, on the other hand, did subaltern groups manage to create free spaces for themselves in this system or even offer resistance?
Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefano Saracino
Stefano Saracino studied history and political science in Munich, Bologna and Thessaloniki from 1999 to 2005. His dissertation focussed on political communication in Florence (published in Tyrannis und Tyrannenmord bei Machiavelli, Munich 2012). From 2011 to 2013, he was a DFG post-doctoral fellow in the International Research Training Group "Political Communication" in Frankfurt am Main and Trento. His work on the FWF project "Soziales Engagement in den Wiener griechischen Gemeinden" at the Institute for Byzantine and Neo-Greek Studies at the University of Vienna and scholarships and research stays in Hamburg, Erfurt, Gotha, Paris and Halle led to his habilitation (published in Griechen im Heiligen Römischen Reich. Migration and its significance in the history of knowledge, Berlin/Boston 2024). In 2021, he habilitated at the LMU Munich. From 2020 to 2024, he was a research assistant at the Chair of Early Modern History at the University of Jena (with Kim Siebenhüner), which he represented in the winter semester 2023/24. 2017 Visiting Professor in the DFG Research Training Group "Interconfessionality in the Early Modern Period" (University of Hamburg) and 2023 Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Since December 2024, he has been Professor of Early Modern History in Graz.

Completed research projects
German Imperial Diet records. Imperial Assemblies 1556-1662. Digital edition of the Regensburg Imperial Diet of 1576.
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG) and FWF (D-A-CH program)
The Exercise of Judgment in the Early Modern Period.
Literary scholars, philosophers and historians from the universities of Klagenfurt, Graz, Salzburg and Vienna cooperate within the framework of an interdisciplinary early modern network.
Founding member at the Institute of History: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Funded by: HRSM Program
Transforming Sanctity - Communication and Staging of St. Leopold from the Translation 1506 to the 18th Century.
Dissertation project as part of the Doc-Team (ÖAW) on the topic of "The performance of sanctity using the example of Margrave Leopold III of Austria"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Sabine Miesgang MA
Funded by: ÖAW
Participatory journalism in Michael Hermann Ambros' periodical media. Communication of politics, education, entertainment and commerce in Central Europe at the end of the 18th century.
Supervisor: Dr. Andreas Golob
Project assistant: Mag. phil. Bakk. phil. Ingrid Haberl-Scherk
Funded by: FWF
The empress's time capsule. A "memory box" from the estate of Elisabeth of Austria.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Evelyn Knappitsch
Funded by: Faculty of Humanities, KFU Graz
Digital edition of the letters of Ignaz-Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreuz from his cavalier tour through Europe (1734-1738).
Head: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, Dr. Metoda Kokole (Slovenian Academy of
Sciences Ljubljana)
Funded by: Commission for Modern Austrian History
Early modern change in knowledge. A media-historical analysis of the comet literature of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (1577-1750).
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Ms. Doris Gruber
Funded by: Gerda Henkel Foundation
The transformation of medicinal policy processes in the Habsburg Monarchy between 1780 and 1848.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Lukas Lang
Funded by: Faculty of Humanities, KFU Graz
CEEPUS Network Confessional and ethnic interactions in the Habsburg Monarchy (CIII-HU-0908-01-1415).
Graz Austrian Fertility Project.
Project leader: Ao. Prof. Dr. Peter Teibenbacher
Project assistant: Wolfgang Göderle
The Edition of the Diaries of Karl Count Zinzendorf (1749/1752-1813).
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Grete Walter-Klingenstein
Project assistant: Dr. Eva Faber
Funded by: ÖAW
Individual and collective offender profiles: Studies on the organizational history and social structure of the illegal SS in Austria 1933 to 1938.
Project leader: Ao. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Project manager: Dr. Hans Schafranek
Funded by: Office of the Styrian Provincial Government, Department of Science and Research
Austrian exiles in the intelligence service of the US Army. A collective war biography of the "Ritchie Boys".
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Project assistants: Florian Traussnig, Robert Lackner
Funded by: Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank
The edition of the correspondence of the Graz Nunciature (1599-1602).
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Elisabeth Zingerle
Funded by: ÖAW
The political song of the Reformation period (1517-1555). A contribution to the communication history of the political in the 16th century.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project assistant: Stephanie Moisi
Funded by: Gerda Henkel Foundation
Doctorate awarded on 16 July 2016 - print in preparation
Subject Supplications at the Imperial Court Council of Emperor Rudolf II (1576-1612).
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Project supervisor: Thomas Schreiber
Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG) and FWF (D-A-CH project)
shifting romipen. Negotiating ethnicities in Central European migrations of Roma and Romnija from the mid-19th century to the present.
Project leader: Ao. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Project assistant: Wolfgang Göderle
Funded by: ÖAW
Michael Mitterauer Prize
"... for administration and science. Census and Ethnicity: On the Production of Knowledge about Social Realities in the Habsburg Empire between 1848 and 1910", Graz 2014.
Project supervisor: Wolfgang Göderle
Hugo Botstiber. His Life and Legacy (2012-2014).
Project leader: Ao. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Project manager: Robert Lackner
Funded by: Botstiber Foundation
In search of a murderer - Jewish-Christian cooperation in Frankfurt am Main in the late 18th century.
Dr. Verena Kasper-Marienberg
Prof. Dr. Edward Fram (Univ. Beer Sheva, Israel)
Project duration: 2010-2013
Austrians in US wartime Organizations of WWII. A Widely Unknown Contribution to the Defeat of Hitler's Germany and the Reconstruction of Austria (2009-2012).
Project leader: Ao. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Project assistant: Florian Traussnig
Funded by: Botstiber Foundation
CLIOHRES project: Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe (EU - 6th FP, NoE) 2005-2010.
Graz-Coordinator: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Ongoing dissertations
Brunner Meinhard: British Military Jurisdiction in Austria, 1945-1955.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Dabringer Gerhard: "May all wars be fought by robots". Developments in the discussion of unmanned warfare and the automation of the military.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Plauder Oliver: The role of the American, British and Irish secret services in the Northern Ireland conflict.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Schmidhofer Armin: Origins, manifestations, instrumentalizations and impact of the yellow peril myth.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Ongoing Master's theses
Bare Duncan: OSS and SSU in Hungary, 1944-1946.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Hofer Karl: Graz 1809 - annus horribilis. An occupied city in the mirror of the "Grätzer".
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Klug Verena: Anti-Semitism and propaganda using the example of "Jud Süß" and "Der ewige Jude". Historical, literary and cinematic adaptations in the course of time.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Krutzler Theres: Animal Liberation Activism and the State. A Comparative Assessment of Repression in the United Kingdom, the United States, Austria and Spain.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Laber Jürgen-Thomas: The French Revolution - Linguistic Violence: Speeches and Writings of the Girondins and Jacobins in 1793.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Pfisterer Julia: Exotica in early modern chambers of art and curiosities. A comparison of the Graz Treasury, Armory and Kunstkammer with the Ferdinandian one in Ambras.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Stoehs Jeremy: US Security Policy since the End of the Cold War.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Tomaschitz Anna-Leena: The Bauer Brothers. An Austrian contribution to scientific illustration in the second half of the long 18th century.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Ongoing bachelor theses
Gadner, Julia: Qualitative content analysis of newspaper reports in the Reichspost and Arbeiterzeitung on the July Revolt of 1927.
Supervisor: Dr. phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Jöbstl Romana: Philipp Hainhofer as an early modern networker.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Liebfahrt Lisa: Idealistic humanist or scholastic philosopher? The embedding of Pico Della Mirandola's theories in the zeitgeist of humanism.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Münzer Marlene: The world view of Isabella d'Este and the world of her studiolo.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Pfisterer Julia: Exotica in early modern chambers of art and curiosities. A comparison of the Graz Treasury, Armory and Kunstkammer with the Ferdinandian one in Ambras.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Stjepanovic Ivan: The coverage of the first International Women's Day in the newspapers of the Habsburg Monarchy.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Webel Christoph: The everyday life of the mercenary Peter Hagendorf - an outline of everyday life research.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Wimmer Julia: Readings of Karl Ritter's "Naturhistorische Reise nach der westindischen Insel Haiti".
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Completed dissertations
Stefan Beckert: "Power of the Public. The conflict between Landgrave Philip of Hesse and Elector John Frederick of Saxony and Duke Henry II of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and the significance of public communication for the political culture of the mid-16th century"
TU Dresden; second opinion: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2023.
Fabian Frommelt: Ex suprema potestas caesarea. The Imperial Administration of the Imperial County of Vaduz and the Imperial Dominion of Schellenberg (1684-1699/1712). 2023.
University of Potsdam; second opinion: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2023.
Fiedler Pia: Knowledge repositories in transition. The effects of the Josephinian abolition of monasteries on Graz University Library.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2023.
Witz Sandra: Transnational conflict communication in the initial phase of the French Wars of Religion (1562-1570). A comparison of the mediality of political communication processes in France and the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2023.
Miesgang Sabine: "Biß nach und nach alles abgenommen hat" - die Verehrung des kanonisierten Babenbergers Leopold III. in der Frühen Neuzeit.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2022.
Zeilinger Florian: Concept and Practice of Honor Restitution in the Early Modern Subject Supplications to the Imperial Court Council of Rudolf II.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz, 2020.
Knappitsch Evelyn: The Trace of the Gazelle, an Indian Fairy Tale and the Empress's Cassettes. A scientific search for perspectives on the history of the literary estate of Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837-1898) and her correspondence with Alfred Gurniak Edler von Schreibendorf (1857-1934), 2020.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Gruber Doris:Early modern change in knowledge. Die Kometenerscheinungen von 1577/78, 1680/81 und 1743/44 in der Druckpublizistik des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nationes, 2018.
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book:http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/exlibris/aleph/a22_1/apache_media/BAFQ84FV7Y27UV99Q1E9TKL6H8M81H.pdfEarly modern change in knowledge. Comet phenomena in the print journalism of the Holy Roman Empire, (Presse und Geschichte - neue Beiträge, vol. 127), Bremen 2020. ISBN 978-3-943-24594-3 , 842 pages.
Schreiber Thomas: Subjects as Supplicants at the Imperial Court Council of Emperor Rudolf II (1576-1612). Eine systematische Analyse, 2018.
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Bundschuh Sarah: Die Verlassenschaftsinventare der Familie Attems-Heiligenkreuz (1715-1773) - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Innerösterreichs, 2017.
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Lang Lukas: Medicinische Policey in den habsburgischen Ländern der Sattelzeit: ein Beitrag zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Verwaltung von Gesundheit und Krankheit, 2017.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Schäfer Alexandra: The mediality of the French Wars of Religion. Development of the media constellation in France and the Holy Roman Empire based on religious war news in leaflets and pamphlets 1589, 2016.
University of Mainz; second opinion Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book: Alexandra Schäfer-Griebel, Die Medialität der Französischen Religionskriege. Frankreich und das Heilige Römische Reich 1589, Stuttgart 2018. ISBN-13 978-3515120142 . 556 pages
Schmidt Dennis: The Spiritual Reforms of Josephinism in Inner Austria. Ordnungskonflikte und Bedrohungskommunikation katholisch aufgeklärter Reformpraxis, 2016.
Universität Tübingen; Zweitgutachten Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book: Dennis Schmidt, Threatening Enlightenment - Contested Reforms. Inner Austria in the Josephine decade 1780-1790, Münster, 2020. ISBN 978-3-402-24651-1 , 621 pages
Wieland Renate: Protestant King in the Holy Empire. Brandenburg-Prussian imperial and confessional politics in the early 18th century, 2016.
University of Freiburg; second opinion by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book: Renate Wieland, Protestantischer König im Heiligen Reich. Brandenburg-Prussian imperial and confessional politics in the early 18th century, Berlin 2020. ISBN 978-3428152674 , 570 pages
Moisi Stephanie: The political song of the Reformation period (1517-1555). A contribution to the communication history of the political in the 16th century, 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Digital publication
Zingerle Elisabeth: Girolamo Portia. The Graz nunciature in the field of tension between the Roman Curia and the inner-Austrian prince (1592-1607), 2015.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book: Nunciature of Girolamo Portia 1599-1602. Vienna 2012 (Publications of the Historical Institute at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Rome: 2nd Department, Sources: 2nd Series, Nunciature Reports: Special Series Graz Nunciature 5), ISBN 978-3-7001-7146-1 , 885 pages
Lackner Robert: Concert Life between Tradition and Innovation. Hugo Botstiber and the Viennese Music Scene from the Fin de Siècle to the Anschluss, 2014.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Published as a book : Hugo Botstiber and the Wiener Konzerthaus. The life and work of a cultural manager from the fin de siècle to the Anschluss, Vienna/Cologne/Weimar 2016. ISBN 978-3-205-79678-7 , 256 pages
Traussnig Florian: Spiritual resistance from the outside. Austrians in US propaganda institutions of the Second World War, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Published as a book: Spiritual resistance from the outside. Austrians in US propaganda institutions during the Second World War,Vienna/Cologne/Weimar 2017. ISBN: 978-3-205-20382-7 , 403 pages
Trifkovic Gaj: Making Deals with the Enemy: Partisan-German Contacts and Prisoner Exchange in Yugoslavia 1941-1945, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Hirt Katrin: Die italienischen Kriege zwischen Kaiser Karl V. und Franz I. in den Jahren 1521 - 1530: Medienereignisse in zeitgenössischen deutschen, italienischen und französischen Flugschriften, 2010.
Universität Gießen; Zweitgutachten Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Digital publication
Kasper-Marienberg Verena: Die Frankfurter Judengemeinde und der Reichshofrat unter Joseph II. (1765-1790), 2009.
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Published as a book : "vor Euer Kayserlichen Mayestät Justiz-Thron. The Frankfurt Jewish community at the Imperial Court Council in the Josephinian period (1765-90),Innsbruck/Vienna/Bolzano 2012, (Publication series of the Center for Jewish Studies Graz 19). ISBN 9783706549745 , 504 pages
Completed master's and diploma theses
Zorko Bernhard : Friedrich von Gentz and the "Oriental Question", 2021.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Lenzhofer Laura : Of Jews, Papists and Turks. Enemy images with Martin Luther, 2021.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Adlesgruber Anja Maria: Adultery. Women as Supplicants at the Imperial Court Council of Emperor Rudolf II (1576-1612), 2021.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Pollin Christopher: Digital, formal methods and models in the historical sciences. Using the example of digitally edited historical account books, 2020.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Odelga Philipp: Museum as a place of learning? The Generic Learning Outcomes (GLO) as an instrument for target group-oriented planning of personal mediation in museums using the example of the Regional Museum of Prehistory and Early History Murtal, 2019.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Pürstinger Barbara: Kremsmünster Abbey during the time of Joseph II - Abbot Erenbert III Meyer between monastery preservation and dissolution, 2019.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schrank Barbara: " Le roi est mort, vive le roi " - Transformations of the monarchical. The funeral rituals of the French kings Francis I (1494-1547) and Henry II (1519-1559), 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Sommer Diana: Concept and characteristics of the "nation" in comparison with Italy's nation-building in the 19th century, 2019.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Tangerner Elisabeth Anna: "Answer the fool according to his foolishness..." - The Religious Reformation Commissions of Inner Austria (1599/1600) in the contemporary journalistic controversy, 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Nitz Cornelia: The Controversy between Sigmund Ernhoffer and Jakob Heerbrand - Controversial Theology as a Means of Combat in the Counter-Reformation, 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Fröhlich Manuela: Portadown Massacre: An analysis of an example of collective violence during the Irish Rebellion of 1641, based on selected 1641 "Depositions", "Examinations" and "Informations", 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Andexer Hannes: The English Coronation Ceremonial in the Mid-16th Century - A Comparison of the Queens Mary I (1553) and Elizabeth I (1559), 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Prietl Katharina: Forms of "monastic" self-representation: Rein Abbey and its museum representation, 2018.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Langmann Claudia: The so-called house book of the Stampferin, viewed from a source-critical perspective, 2018.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Geistlinger-Scherf Sara: "God send me well to keep" - The marriage of Anne of Cleves (1515-1557) to Henry VIII (1491-1547) as a ritual of power, 2018.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Kopf Lukas: Visual representation of Maria Theresa's accession to power 1717-1780, 2018.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Starzengruber Gero: From the "gymnastics grandfather" GutsMuths to the "gymnastics father" Jahn. Bewegung und Sport von der Aufklärung bis zur Entstehung eines nationalen Gedankenguts, 2018.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schruf Marlene: The upbringing and education of the salt princes. The childhood and youth of Emperor Franz Joseph I and his archducal brothers as the foundation of their different biographies, 2018.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Muster Eva: Museale Rezeption Karls des Großen, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Dunst Kerstin Angie: "... my Asian calendar appears with its rarities and marvels." The European perception of Asia using the example of writing calendars from the second half of the 17th century (1668-1681), 2017.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Lamprecht Kerstin: Epidemic years. Measures to combat and prevent smallpox in the 18th century in the Habsburg Monarchy, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Lüppens Tatjana: Historical Content in Strategy Video Games - Research, Claim and Accuracy, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Marx Lisa: Elizabeth I of England: On self-representation in her parliamentary speeches of the 1580s, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Bachler Nina: 150 Years of Conception of Museum Collections in Admont Abbey - Reconstruction and Modification after the Abbey Fire of 1865, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Zauner Katrin: GOD SAVE THE KING. King George III and his trips to Weymouth, 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schweinberger Jürgen: Prince Karl I of Liechtenstein. Nobleman and Statesman in the Confessional Age, 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Plank Sarah: Elisabeth I. "Virgin Queen". An extraordinary queen - analyzed in history, portraits and films, 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Freimann Helmut: "O bittres Canaan! Where gall flows instead of honey..." Population policy. Overviews of state measures to increase the population in the early modern period using the example of Brandenburg-Prussia and the Habsburg Monarchy, 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Zeilinger, Florian: Concepts of honor in the early modern subject supplications at the Imperial Court of Rudolf II, 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Ulrich, Eva Maria: Flood prevention in the 18th century as a regulatory problem in the Habsburg Monarchy, 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Neudeck Philipp: "Mag sein Notturfft bey der Churpfalz suchen". Argumentation strategies in early modern supplications. (Shown in the supplication procedure of the married couple Valentin and Margarethe Jäger), 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Wurm Nicole Sandra: Religion als Gegenstand der Korrespondenz Maria Theresias und Josephs II. (1765-1780), 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Wascher, Stephanie: Mord als Delikt im illustrierten Flugblatt der frühen Neuzeit, 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Rampitsch Manuela Maria: Ruler iconography using the example of Emperor Ferdinand I (1503-1564), 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Burger Elisabeth: Die Hinrichtung Karls I. im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Literatur, 2016.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Kaiser Kerstin: "Ratatouille" - Die Wahrnehmung der Ratte in der Geschichte, 2015.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Holzer Petra: The female court in the 17th century based on the court instructions, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Klammer Andreas: Emperor Maximilian of Mexico - The Austrian Years, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Samonig Stefan: The Role of the National Guard during the Revolution of 1848 in Styria, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Grabuschnig Anja: The peace treaty of St. Germain in the Viennese press, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Berger Sandra: The initial phase of the French Wars of Religion as a transnational media event. The year 1568 in French and German-language print journalism - a comparative analysis, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Kreuzriegler Stefanie: The image of the Ottoman woman in 19th century travelogues. Ida Hahn-Hahn's "Orientalische Briefe" (1844) as an example, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Öhlschläger Julia Carina: "Meinen Khindtern zu einer Gedechtnus". Family and mother-child relationship in Maria Elisabeth Stamper's house book, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Wiesmeyr Magdalena Maria: Macht-Kommunikation in den Ladungsschreiben und Propositionen ausgewählter Reichstage der Jahre 1521-1566 - eine Diskursanalyse, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Lämmerer Anita-Maria: "undoubtedly a violent woman at all times"? The Portrayal of Mary Stuart in the Historical Writings of David Hume and William Robertson, 2014.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Gruber Doris: "Welches Jeden ein Exempel sey. zu Meiden solche Teiffeley". The persecution of witches in illustrated pamphlets of the early modern period, 2013.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Koller Rupert: Intelligence Services versus Transnational Terrorism in the Peace Policy Context since the End of the Cold War, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Rausch Gudrun: Ignaz Graf von Attems and the Revolution of 1848, 2013.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Resch Elisabeth: Vernacular practices and prognostications in the German-speaking world between 1550 and 1620 with special consideration of the practices of the Styrian landscape mathematicians Hieronymus Lauterbach, Georg Stadius and Johannes Kepler, 2013.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Count Nina: "Rechenbüchlein". The elementary teaching of arithmetic in the 18th and early 19th century, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Pletzer Arik Rouven: Integration versus Segregation. Muslim minorities in states with a predominantly Christian population. Changes since 1945, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Schmidhofer Armin: The Power of the Swordless Samurai. New Threats and Perspectives for Japanese Security Policies in the21st Century, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Stöckler Andreas: Reichspersonal auf ausgewählten Reichstagen der 1540er Jahre - Reichstage Speyer (1542), Nürnberg (1542), Worms (1545), Regensburg (1546) und Augsburg (1547/48), 2012.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Streith Heimo: "Contaminated". Aspects of plague epidemics in the early modern period, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Tomaz Stefan: Rulers and animals. Princely animal husbandry using the example of the Habsburgs in Schönbrunn, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Valentinitsch Bernhard: Max-Erwin von Scheubner-Richter (1884-1923) - a witness to the Armenian genocide and an early, close collaborator of Hitler, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Allram Lisa: The media reception of the life, trial and execution of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer based on contemporary leaflets, 2011.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Bundschuh Sarah: The Perception of Anne Boleyn's Execution as Reflected in Contemporary Correspondence from 1536, 2011.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Daniel Strauss: The Ouverture to the Concert of Europe. A "Punctuated Equilibrium" of Diplomacy from 1813 to 1815, 2011.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Rumpf-Eissner Verena: Abgabeleistungen weststeirischer Höfe in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2010.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schreiber Thomas: Supplications in the Old Prague Acts of the Imperial Court Council. The image of the emperor and the imperial power of grace in the 16th and early 17th centuries, 2010.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Andracher Christine: Perception and reality using the example of selected travel destinations in England and Scotland in the 18th century. On the "Travel Journal" of F. Széchényi, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Balog Kerstin: Mary Stuart and the Babington Plot. An analysis of Queen Elizabeth I's correspondence from 1586-1587, 2009.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Brändle Magdalena: Bay of Pigs: Unsettled Conflicts and Contradictions, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Kamenschek Amrei: Die Verwendung historischer Romane im Geschichtsunterricht, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Knappitsch Evelyn: The Empress, her murderer and the assassination in Geneva. (Re-)views of Elisabeth of Austria in the Viennese daily press, 2009.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Lackner Robert: Zionist Terrorism and Imperial Response. British Policies towards Jewish Resistance in Palestine, 1944-1948, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Pendl Peter: The Catechism of Sigmund Ernhoffer. Between catechesis and controversial theology, 2009.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Riedl Thomas: The Peace of Westphalia and the International Order of States. A comparative historiographical analysis of German- and French-language research, 2009.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Traussnig Florian: Between utopian optimism and archaic cult of violence. The American frontier myth as an object of political discourse in Central European print media since the presidency of John F. Kennedy, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Siegfried Beer
Moisi Stephanie: "Ein Lied wider den Türgken, zuor Besserung uns manend ...". The song pamphlets of the Reformation period (1517-1555) with special consideration of the Turkish songs, 2008.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Zeginigg Mariella: Wissenswelten um 1600. Die Privatbibliothek des Judenburger Stadtschreibers Martin Pernstell, 2007.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Vergendo Johann Anton: Inner Austria from 1520 to 1590. A historical approach to historiography, 2005.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Haug-Moritz
Completed Bachelor theses
Wimmer Julia: Readings of Karl Ritter's "Naturhistorische Reise nach der westindischen Insel Haiti", 2023.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Zaufl Marco Christian: Slovenian language and culture in Carinthia in the media perception of German-language newspapers and magazines between 1870 and 1910, 2023.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Strauß, Michael: The assassination of heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. Analysis of contemporary media coverage from different parts of the Habsburg monarchy based on selected newspapers, 2023.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Miller Sarah: Notoriety and Perception: A Short History on Freud's Famous The Interpretation of Dreams and it's Reception, 2022.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Molinaro Theresa: The Development and Reception of Hysteria in the 19th and 20th Centuries: A Literature Review, 2023.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Katter Karoline: The portrayal of women in Austrian satirical magazines from 1880-1920, 2023.
Supervisor: Mag. Dr.phil. Evelyn Knappitsch
Glawogger Lukas: Gabriel von Salamanca-Ortenburg: A favorite of the early 16th century?, 2022.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Pichler Hannah: Everyday life in the Thirty Years' War. The self-testimony of Johannes Bozenhart, 2022.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Schmidt Michael: Weather records in the personal testimonies of the Thirty Years' War, 2021.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Kienreich Naomi Christina: Maria Leopoldine of Austria. Habsburg Virtue on a Throne in the New World, 2021.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Frauscher Jana: The role of the midwife in the context of (early) modern women's lives, 2021.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Rapp Linus: 'Dasz das Teutsch=land gar Türkisch werd? The role of the Ottomans in confessional polemics, 2020.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Mühlbacher-Pignitter Anita Christine: Death in the Early Modern Period - Social and Confessional Approaches, 2020.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Gamperl Rosalinde: A monument of superlatives. The Maria Theresa Monument in Vienna: The ruler and her most important advisors, 2020.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Wibmer, Gernot: Potestas or Violentia? Legitimation and justification of violence against the civilian population during the Thirty Years' War based on the testimonies of Robert Monro and Peter Hagendorf, 2020.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Herzele Sandra: The Plague in the Thirty Years' War: Attempts to interpret the catastrophe based on the testimonies of Maurus Friesenegger, Hans Heberle, Volkmar Happe and Hans Krafft, 2020.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Provost Katharina: "Always unwanted". The expulsion of Prague's Jews by Maria Theresa, 2019.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Seinitzer Sarah: "Soon superstition will disappear, soon the wise man will prevail!" Enlightened ideas in opera using the example of Mozart's Magic Flute, 2019.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Wilfing Antonia: Sold daughters? Perspectives on Habsburg dynastic marriage policy around 1500, 2019.
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Ortlieb
Schruf Marlene: The upbringing and education of the salt princes. The childhood and youth of Emperor Franz Joseph I and his archducal brothers as the foundation of their different biographies, 2018.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Benauer Maria: From an initial idea to the foundation. The history of the Vorarlberger Landesmuseumsverein, taking into account the legal and political situation, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Dörfler Franz Gregor: "...in which Socrates counts his true wealth." Library history between antiquity and modern times, 2017.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Lipnig Penelope: The virtues of rulers. From ancient origins to humanism. 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Kortschak Johanna: Comparison of Machiavelli's Theory of State and Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan", 2016.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Bachler Nina: Science. Teaching. Art. Die Entwicklung der Klostersammlung des Stiftes Admont, 2015.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Höfler Ida: The discovery of the threefold structure in prehistory. From antiquarian collecting to systematic organizing, 2015.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Prietl Katharina: Die Darstellung der Erbhuldigung von 1728 im Museum, 2015.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schruf Marlene: Crown Prince Rudolf and the representation of death in selected Austrian print media, 2015.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Körner Markus: The visitor as an object of interest. Historical development, scope and methods of visitor research, 2014.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Katzensteiner Daniela: "The Ideal Museum": Gottfried Semper, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Neudeck Philipp: Hitler's Museum in Linz, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Pfisterer Julia: The historic Green Vault in Dresden. From treasury to museum, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Richter Susanne: Hohe Tauern National Park in Carinthia - A look at the public reception, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Schreiner Katharina: Das Joanneum jubiliert, 2013.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Dr. Mag. Marliese Raffler
Hlade Josef: Zoo and the public. Eine historische Analyse: Von der Volksbelustigung zur Naturschutzeinrichtung, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Hofmann Domenic: The establishment of Austrian identity, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Miedl Jürgen: An Austrian "House of History". Discussions, plans and shifts 2002 to 2011, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Reicher Heinrich: The museum character of arsenals? 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Spiegel Heike: Culture of remembrance using the example of Archduke Johann in Styria, 2012.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Scharfe Matthias: Die diplomatische Revolution: Wenzel Anton Fürst von Kaunitz, die Wolffsche Methode und das Renversement des Alliances, 2009.
Supervisor: Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marliese Raffler
Coordinator of the Department of Early Modern History
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefano Saracino
+43 316 380 - 2354
Attemsgasse 8/III
8010 Graz
Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.